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Get Planning and Architecture - Heritage Statement

Heritage Statement

If you are applying for consent for work to a Listed Building or a property in a Conservation Area, or doing so on behalf of a client, then we can provide a Heritage Statement, which will be essential for your application.

Heritage Statements detail how a development will impact on a ‘Heritage Asset’, with reference to relevant local, national and regional planning policies. A Heritage Statement is required for all applications affecting Listed Buildings, unlisted buildings in conservation areas, or ‘locally listed’ buildings, (often designated as ‘Buildings of Townscape Merit’ [BTM’s], or projects affecting known archaeological or certain other sensitive locations. A Heritage Statement is also required for applications affecting the setting of any of the above. Applications for demolition within conservation areas should also include the supporting evidence and justification required by para 133 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Get Planning and Architecture has considerable experience in preparing these statements for all types of applicants, including architects and other agents.

Typical scope of service includes:

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  • Accept brief and review client requirements
  • A site survey including an understanding of the physical context relevant to the Heritage Assets
  • Preparation of a statement that includes the following:
  • A description of the Heritage Asset and its setting
  • An assessment of significance
  • An explanation of the design concept for the proposed development
  • Description of the impact of the proposed development
  • Submit statement to client for approval
  • Finalise it in accordance with client comments

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