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Get Planning and Architecture - Listed Building Consent

Listed Building Consent

If your project is in, or adjacent to, a Listed Building, then your Council can exercise considerable control over its use and on any alterations you wish to carry out, both inside and outside the property. Although it is a commonly-held view that planners do not have control over the interior details of Listed Buildings, (perhaps because a particular ‘listing’ refers solely to the ‘façade’ of the building), they do in fact have an immense amount of control, including details of how waste pipes, wiring and ducts are to be inserted into the building.

Therefore if you are planning on making any alterations that will change the appearance of a Listed Building (including internal appearance), you must apply for a type of planning permission called ‘Listed Building Consent.’ This is administered by your Local Planning Authority and is in addition to other planning regulations that apply to all properties. The LBC application should also be accompanied with a Heritage Statement.

Councils do not charge fees for LBC applications but fees are usually due for the separate, ‘parallel’ Full Planning application which is needed to deal with external alterations, extensions or changes of use of the property.

How can Get Planning and Architecture help you?

Get Planning and Architecture have a team of experts who are highly experienced in undertaking Listed Building Consent applications for clients. Because of their more complex nature, these projects benefit significantly from the ‘joined-up’ approach of our planners and architects.

This allows Listed Building owners to benefit from appropriate high quality design aimed at preserving historic character and enhancing the original buildings. In addition our planners support your applications by preparing robust and thorough planning support documents, such as Heritage Statements, to help you achieve success.

Get Planning and Architecture also work in other designated areas including:

  • The Green Belt
  • Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • Buildings of Townscape Merit

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