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Get Planning and Architecture - Heritage

Heritage Planning

A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest is likely to be considered as a ‘Heritage Asset’. These include both ‘nationally designated’ heritage assets but also assets identified by the Local Planning Authority or local Civic Society (often referred to as ‘local listing’, or BTM: Building of Townscape Merit).

Most development affecting Heritage Assets needs planning permission, but may also require Listed Building Consent. The objective for Councils is to manage change to the historic environment for the benefit of the public. Projects involving Heritage Assets can be complex in nature however Get Planning and Architecture can help you achieve success as a result of our high level of experience, professionalism and robust knowledge.

How can Get Planning and Architecture help you?

Get Planning and Architecture give benefit to our clients via appropriate high quality design aimed at preserving historic character and enhancing the original buildings. In addition our planners support your applications by preparing robust and thorough planning support documents, such as Heritage Statements, to help you achieve success.

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