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Our Planning Appeals Service
Of the 90,000 or so planning applications which are refused in the UK every year, only about 15,000 are challenged via an appeal to The Planning Inspectorate (PINS). With roughly 34% of appeals being allowed by PINS each year, it can be deduced that a large number of applicants, (perhaps 75,000), are missing out on a chance to get planning approvals they could potentially have secured, had they chosen to appeal.
What can you appeal against?
An appeal can be submitted by an applicant in respect of the majority of planning related decisions made by a local planning authority, this includes:
- Planning applications for development
- Applications for consent to display advertisements
- Applications for works to listed buildings
- Applications for works in conservation areas
- Application for certificate of lawful use or development
- Applications for works to trees covered by a tree protection order
- Against an enforcement notice requiring remediation of a breach of planning control
How can Get Planning and Architecture help you?
Appeals are an important part of what we do here at Get Planning and Architecture. We offer a responsive service to both domestic and commercial planning applicants across the UK who wish to contest planning decisions and enforcement notices issued by Local Planning Authorities. Our team includes accredited planning consultants whose wealth of experience in local authority development control means your appeal will be handled by professionals who are proficient in this field.
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Having worked alongside local authority development control and the Planning Inspectorate for many years, the Get Planning and Architecture team has valuable inside knowledge about the appeals process, making them well placed to guide clients through it.
For more than 10 years, we have represented a wide range of clients at appeal, including householders, property developers, medical professionals and religious organisations. We have had a significant amount of success in winning appeals in respect of the following:
- Residential extensions and alterations
- Conversion of houses into flats
- Outbuildings and extensions within the Green Belt
- Changes of use resulting in the loss of employment space
- Proposals for places of worship and community facilities
- Enlargement of commercial buildings
- Appeals in respect of planning enforcement
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