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Project Ref: 2914
Area: Barnet
Published: 20th March 2018
Change of use from office to nursery (B1 to D1)
Project Brief
Our client had been looking for premises to set up a nursery in their area for many years, and this disused office was ideal for their development. A full planning application was made for the change of use, however, this was refused amidst concerns about losing the premises employment generating uses and worries that the lack of on-site parking would cause problems on the roads and to nearby residents. Get Planning and Architecture reviewed the case and decided that we could obtain planning permission for our client through a reapplication process.Project Outcome
Our reapplication addressed the council’s two main concerns. Our experts reviewed the history of the site, which hadn’t been in stable employmentgenerating use since 1990 and had had no interest from businesses to rent it. We demonstrated that no employment opportunities would be lost, especially in view of the fact that the nursery would generate jobs
We conducted an ordinance survey of the surrounding area and roads. We ascertained that there were sufficient parking bays in nearby streets and that most of the children lived locally and would walk. This meant that the nursery would not be of detriment to the traffic or nearby residents. Our reapplication was successful and our client was thrilled that they were finally able to start their project.
Client Feedback
“I would urge the Council to consider the positive contribution to the community that this proposal for a new nursery will bring, in terms of improving a vacant building, providing new nursery places and creating jobs in the constituency