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Objection Letters
When a neighbour or other developer makes a planning application you may be very concerned about the effects on your property. Planning procedures require that you be notified in writing about nearby applications and you can find out more detail about the application on the Council’s planning website.
You can object to an application, however there are time limits and your objection needs to refer to ‘material’ considerations if it is to be effective. ‘Material’ is a planning term that in essence means relevant to the planning decision, therefore there is much left to the planners’ interpretation of whether your objection is going to change the outcome of the application.
Get Planning and Architecture can act on your behalf in making a formal objection. An expert planning consultant will undertake an in-depth review of the application and consider how to present your concerns to the Council.
We will then prepare a formal letter explaining your concerns and making an argument that the planning application should not be approved, or that significant changes are needed. We send the letter to you for your final review and we submit to the Council once you have given approval.
Typical scope of service includes:
- Accept brief and review client requirements
- Listen to your objections and analyse the planning issues
- Review the details of the application and previous applications if needed
- Assist with appointment of specialists if needed, (for example daylighting engineers)
- Analysis of the material planning issues
- Preparation of a draft Letter by a Planning Consultant for your approval
- Issue objection letter to the Local Planning Authority
In our experience, these letters can have a powerful impact on the decision for an application. Our experts understand the local, regional and national issues and will refer to policy when appropriate to support your objection. If your objection is from a group or an organisation, or if you wish us to speak on your behalf at a committee meeting, please let us know at the time of enquiry.
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