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Get Planning and Architecture - Appraisal & Feasibility Study

Appraisal & Feasibility Study

Get Planning and Architecture offers a Development Appraisal service that is specifically tailored to the needs of our clients. Appraisals focus on the planning issues that are critical to your project and will often form the starting point of a planning application. A development appraisal can be invaluable, ensuring that subsequent planning processes optimize your project cost-effectively.

Planning appraisals for Homeowners

When you set out on a planning project it can be difficult to know whether it is likely to end in success. No reputable planning consultant can guarantee you success with a planning application however at Get Planning and Architecture we take proactive steps to maximise the chance of approval. This is why, especially when your project is challenged by Council policies, a Development Appraisal is helpful to you.

The planning appraisal will indicate whether your proposal has a reasonable chance to get planning approval and will flag up any issues likely to be problematic in an application. It can also include different options for how to proceed. Preliminary Appraisals can be conducted based on photos and desktop research, whilst others may require a site visit.

In the event that the Appraisal suggests that your application is likely to be refused, we will advise you accordingly. We will then work with you to suggest modifications to your proposal to produce a better chance of success. Get Planning and Architecture works according to the strict Code of Conduct set by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), so we will always approach your appraisal with honesty and professionalism.

Planning appraisals for Developers

Get Planning and Architecture offers a Planning Appraisal service that is specifically tailored to the needs of developers. In our appraisal we:

  • identify the development potential of a site and identify options for maximising this potential
  • identify the relevant planning policies and constraints
  • identify development proposals most likely to be looked upon favourably by the Local Planning Authority.

The appraisal is an important part of the service that we offer to developers, and is an area in which we stand out from our competitors. In many housing developments, we have been able to increase the square footage of accommodation, often creating a more profitable development than other agents have achieved, for example, by identifying areas of a site which could provide an extra unit.

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