Tower Hamlets Planning & Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are sites of historical or architectural importance. Building and redevelopment can be a more complex process due to more planning regulations and constraints applying within such areas. However our highly trained staff have the expertise to address more challenging planning and design issues. We achieve the aims of our clients both on an aesthetic and functional level whilst adhering to regulations set out by the local planning authority.

Tower Hamlets conservation areas:

Albert Gardens, Narrow Street, All Saints Poplar, Naval Row, Artillery Passage, Old Bethnal Green Road, BalfronTower, Redchurch Street, Bethnal Green Gardens, Regents Canal, Boundary Estate, Roman Road Market, Brick Lane and Fournier Street, Ropery Street, Brickfield Gardens, St Annes Church, Carlton Square, St Frideswides, Chapel House, St George in the East, Clinton Road, St Matthias Church, Coldharbour, St Pauls Shadwell, Commercial Road, St Peters, Driffield Road, Stepney Green, Elder Street, Swaton Road, Fairfield Road, The Tower, Fish Island, Three Mills, Ford Square Sidney Square, Tomlins Grove, Globe Road, Tower Hamlets Cemetery, Hackney Road, Tredegar Square, Island Gardens, Victoria Park, Jesus Hospital Estate, Wapping Pierhead, Langdon Park, Wapping Wall, Lansbury, Wentworth Street, London Hospital, West India Dock, Limehouse Cut, Whitechapel High Street, Lowell St, Whitechapel Market, Medway, Wiltons Music Hall, Myrdle St, York Square

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Planning in Tower Hamlets

The current population in Tower Hamlets is estimated to be 254,100 with around 101,300 households. In fact there has been an increase of nearly 30 per cent in households, the highest of all London Boroughs, within the last ten years. With the current housing shortage it is unsurprising that the Borough has some major developments planned, such as the renovation of the Aberfeldy Estate in Blackwall. Get Planning and Architecture team are experts in a wide range of areas including extensions and new builds. So if these are your requirements we have chartered architects and chartered planners who can guide you through the process.

Tower Hamlets Planning Applications & Appeals

There are approximately 50 planning applications submitted to the local planning authority in Tower Hamlets each week and around 5 appeals each week where planning permission was initially refused.

Due to more stringent planning regulations in conservation areas, planning permission can be harder to gain. Whilst the local planning authority can reject a planning application for a number of reasons, it can be a more complex process to gain permission in such locations. However Get Planning and Architecture has successfully completed a variety of developments where challenging constraints have applied and it has an excellent record in winning appeals.

Tower Hamlets News

Long awaited regeneration of Blackwall Reach and the controversial Robin Hood Estate is well underway. Proposals including the demolition of the Estate were approved in 2012 and construction began that winter. By the end of 2014, the floors has been completed in Block A, kitchen and bathrooms installations had begun in Block B and work was progression on the Mosque in Block C.

Once complete, the mixed use development will incorporate the construction of 1600 urgently needed new homes. 700 of these homes will be available for social rent and shared ownership schemes. Plans also include new shops and improved public areas. Local council tenants and home owners will be granted new housing and new community facilities. A local school will also be expanded. Once completed, regeneration of the area will boost local economy, create employment and provide both residents and visitors with improved shopping and leisure facilities.

Tower Hamlets Contact Information

Tower Hamlets – Local Planning Authority

Tower Hamlets Council
Town Hall
Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG

For more information, visit

A Unique Service

We recognise that no two projects are the same. Our thoughtful, genuinely tailored approach means that we design our service to give each project what it needs to be guided through the planning and architectural process. This gives you the best chance of achieving your design and planning goals in a cost-effective way.