Drone footage showing a large scale residential development in Sutton by Get Planning and Architecture

Get Planning and Architecture - Large scale development in Sutton

Get Planning and Architecture recently commissioned Upperlook, an aerial photography company who used a drone to film this residential project in Cheam. The project scheme includes 12 flats and 4 houses with a tunnel through the street facing block to off-street parking. Get Planning and Architecture had extensive dialogue with Sutton Council before the application […]

Exceptional appeal win by GPA overturns unfair decision on Permitted Development

Get Planning and Architecture - Exceptional appeal win by GPA overturns unfair decision on Permitted Development

After several attempts to gain a Certificate of Lawfulness for a 2-storey rear extension for a detached house in Sutton, including an unsuccessful planning appeal. Get Planning and Architecture worked with legal experts to have this appeal decision overturned, (via a ‘re-determination’). This means that our client can now complete his project to significantly enlarge […]

Get Planning and Architecture’s recent win in the London borough of Hounslow

Get Planning and Architecture - Get Planning and Architecture’s recent win in the London borough of Hounslow

GPA gets planning permission for a new two storey detached house in Hounslow. The client’s objective was to demolish the existing garage and side extension to the host dwelling to build a new detached house to make an important contribution to housing provision within the Hounslow Council by providing a new, good quality detached house. […]

Get Planning and Architecture’s recent win in the London borough of Croydon

Get Planing and Architecture - Get Planning and Architecture’s recent win in the London borough of Croydon

GPA gets planning permission for change of use of basement parking area, erection of single storey extension to form additional flats in an existing building. The proposal reflected careful consideration of the pre-application advice received and proposed a high-quality scheme for proposed development and alterations to lower ground floor garage parking to create 1 x […]

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